Leading the Future​

Driving youth to success through strategic professional development,
one generation at a time.

Leading the Future

Driving youth to success through strategic professional development,
one generation at a time.

What We Do

Our organization provides youth and young adults with the necessary developmental tools for personal and professional success. One Gen fortifies each of its participants’ ability to put their newfound skills into practice for the rest of their lives.


We teach students Professionalism 101 — building their resumes, networks, and job prospects.


Our interactive, collaborative program helps develop each student’s professional skills.


We help our students build a sustainable professional foundation.

Become a Student

In just four weeks, our students will know how to build a strong, competitive resume; build an extensive professional network; crush the interview process; and learn how to manage their finances.

Become a Student

In just four weeks, our students will know how to build a strong, competitive resume; build an extensive professional network; crush the interview process; and learn how to manage their finances.

The Stats

In a survey conducted among more than 300 participants, most respondents agreed that career mentorship and development would have propelled them into their careers sooner and helped them avoid unnecessary college debt. 


Did not have career mentorship or development opportunities available to them in college


Did not have career mentorship or development opportunities available to them in high school

Sponsors & Partners